General Treatments & Techniques
- Accession General Submission Form
- Antifungal Drugs
- Antiparasitic Drugs
- Blood Draws
- Common Toxicoses of Wildlife
- Dealing with Drugs: Things We Should Be Thinking About, and an Intro to the NWRA Wildlife Formulary
- Florida Native Plants
- Fluid Therapy for Wildlife
- Necropsy Process
- Nutritional Guidelines for Rehabilitators
- Ophthalmic Examination & Diagnostic Procedures
- Pathogens
- Proper Nutrition
- The Role of Wildlife Rehabilitation in Wildlife Disease Research and Surveillance
- Solving the Mysteries
- Spinosad General Fact Sheet
- Turd Words
- Using Antibacterials in Wildlife
- Wildlife Necropsy Workshop Notes
- Wildlife Radiology Notes
- Xray Handout
Bird Rehabilitation
- American Crow Development
- American Crow Species Snapshot
- Average Fluid Amounts for Florida Raptors
- Avian Fractures
- Avian Necropsy Form
- Avian Necropsy Manual
- Avian Ophthalmology Decisions
- Avian Wrap Handout
- Basics 1
- Basics 2
- Bird Navigation: A Clear View of Magnetoreception
- Blue Jay Developmental Steps
- Chimney Swift
- Chimney Swift Rehabilitation
- Common Raven Developmental Steps
- Fish Crow Developmental Steps
- Formula for Columbiform Hatchlings© (Crop Milk Substitute)
- Formula for Nestling Songbirds (FoNS©): Updates and Options for 2016
- Gannet Net Bird Suspension and Support
- Nutrition And Songbirds
- Nutritional Guidelines for Birds
- Raptor Care & Maintenance
- Songbirds for Dummies
- Splinting Manual
- Understanding Raptor Feathers
- Wooden Raptor Perches for Kennel Use (Pattern)